Founded in November 1964,
in 2019 we celebrated 55 years
The 55th Anniversary of
The Coleraine Historical Society
Open House on Nov 20, 2019 was a great time.
Special THANKS to Meijer in Stonecreek
for food donations
If you missed it and still would like to purchase a "50 years plus 5" Commemorative booklet for $10; contact us to reserve a copy at
Annual Awards Presentations
President’s Certificate of Appreciation
Mary Burdett Chris Henson
History Maker
Tere Moore
Preservation Certificate
Chris Henson Margie Mohr
Gary Henson Larry Shad
Friends of Society Certificate
Frank Scholle
Friends of the Museum Certificate
Marlyn Ford Betty Sandoz
Janet Lockwood David Shea
Beverly McGuire Sandra Shea
Moment in History Certificate
Page Grad
For supporting the projects of the Coleraine Historical Society,
a 1 year Membership for 2020 was presented to:
Jeff Baker Jackie O’Conner
Kim Comer Mike Reisenberg
Heather Harlow Jessie Urbancsik
Greg Insco Matt Wahlert
Mike Ionna Tom Weingartner
Jeff McElravy